Monday, February 27, 2006

These are a few of my least favorite things.

How much better would that song have been with that premise instead of the one it used. "When the dog bites, when the bee stings - I smash them with a hammer!" Okay, don't ask me where that came from.

Since I know you all care about what I think, here's a list of things that have annoyed me lately (in no particular order).
  1. Stupid people, especially those behind the wheel of moving vehicles going 40 on the freeway.
  2. Condiments ruining my sandwhich. If I wanted a mouth full of mustard, I would have asked for one, thanks.
  3. Hypocritical and condescending people.
  4. Mornings.

And the things I've liked recently (also in no particular order).
  1. The rain.
  2. The ocean and creatures found therein.
  3. Star Wars book (don't judge till you've read them!)
  4. Soren.
  5. Late nights with friends (even if they can't be too late because of #4 above).
Okay, I'm done now. Good night.

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