Monday, March 20, 2006

A weekend of tv shows

I watched more tv this weekend than I think I have in the past two months. And I mean tv shows, not movies on tv. Friday Rob came over "with a surprise" which, as I correctly guessed, was Firefly. For those of you who don't know what Firefly is, I might consider not being your friend anymore. But I'll tell you so I can remain friends with you. It is a sci-fi show created by the guy who made Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and who is one of my favorite creators of shows.

Anyways, this show was only on for a season (what's with us watching one season long shows lately? It only leads to heartbreak), but that's because it was too good for tv. So what did they do? They made a movie, called Serenity, with the characters and story.

So Rob and I watched the first disk (4 episodes) of Firefly (we only watched that much because he only had one disk) while celebrating St. Patrick's Day with pizza and Newcastle.

Having reminded myself that I do like some things on tv, I decided to watch the rest of Clone Wars that I've been sitting on for a while. I'm not sure how many "episodes" I watched, but it was about a 2/3 of the entire thing. Then I decided I'd waited long enough to watch some more of Season 4 of Alias. I watched the whole third disk of that yesterday.

Not to mention also seeing V for Vendetta Saturday afternoon with some of the crew. So it was a good weekend for me to watch tv. But not to seem like a completely lazy person, I did play soccer on Sunday, and scored a couple goals after being unable to do anything in the first half. It was fun, and now I'm planning on going to Vegas with my team to a tournament. That should be fun.

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