Friday, April 07, 2006

Love affair

I love cheesecake. Actually, love is too weak a word for what I feel. I lurve it, I loave it, I luff it. Yes, two F's. (Couldn't miss the chance to quote a movie). But somehow, Natalie was surprised last night when I went straight to the cheesecake when ordering dessert, passing up some other very nice looking choices. So, in order to make sure all my other friends know about my love for cheesecake, I've decided to post my poem about it. I know most of you already know (how could you not?), but apparently there are some out there who don't.

A note to the reader: plain cheesecake is the only way to go, although a bit of say raspberry topping is okay. As long as it isn't overbearing, because then it ruins it.

You sit in solitude,
Towering in your simplicity.
Though others may garnish you,
There is nothing you lack, they are

Standing tall and proud,
The perfect pie, but
Nothing so base to be described thus.
For there is nothing better than you,

It brings a tear to the eye!

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