Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Frickety Frack

I don't remember where I got that phrase, but I think it applies. Actually, more would apply right now, but I'm not willing to go there quite yet. Here I am, sitting at my desk and it's 5:23. You might be asking youself, "Why would Rebecca, who really doesn't enjoy her job all that much, be sitting at her desk an hour after she's allowed to go home?"

Well, the answer is that some of the people who work here are morons. I asked at 3:30 for them to do something that was required for me to do soemthing else that must be done before I leave. But did they do it? No, of course not. Not until 3:45, and even then they didn't finish. So I had to call out to this department (numerous times to even get somebody to answer) to ask somebody else to finish it. And now they're taking forever too.

So I'm annoyed, but it has give me time to put this post up. Of course, if I wasn't sitting here I would have nothing to post about. So I think I'd take not posting and not sitting here over sitting here and posting. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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