Thursday, May 11, 2006

The point, gentlemen, is that they lived.

With the up-coming (or in some cases past) season finales for various tv shows, I'm struck with the fact that I don't really like happy endings. Now, contrary to the (probable) popular belief that I don't like them because I don't like happy things, the reason for this is more that I don't trust them, because I don't trust endings.

Even in books I hate endings (even happy ones), because I always want to know what happens next. Perhaps I've had this feeling of late because of the abundance of shows I've been watching which have been prematurely given a happy ending. In Firefly, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, and even Alias (okay, it's not really premature, but I don't think it should end) I feel like there has to be more going on, because the main thing the heros fight against doesn't go away.

Sure, they've told the story they meant to (well, in Alias, not Firefly) but there's still something to fight, and the enemy isn't going to let the hero rest. I can't see the government ever letting River get away (she's way too powerful) and I can't see the evil out there ever letting Sydney live her life in peace. The only way either could happen is if they go and hide, and given both characters, I can't see that happening.

All this to say I will miss my shows when they're gone, although I'm trying to get hooked on Lost. It's not nearly as good as Alias (I might post about why later) but I've used the word "intriguing" a lot when talking about it, so there's something worthwhile there. And the alternate reality game or whatever it is a pretty awesome idea.

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