Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who needs sleep?

Well, Alias is officially gone, and I'm very sad. Granted, the show hasn't been nearly as good the past couple of seasons as it was early on, but there is still so much potential in a show like that. There's so much hinted, and then it turns out that either those hints are realized, or the writers have to make the hints lead to something lame and short so that they can get the driving story done. I can accept things like this, but I don't have to like them.

Lost is also done for a while, which just means that I have three months to catch up and understand what's going on. It's very interesting to see what I can figure out and know from just watching the three episodes I've seen so far. It's also interesting to see which characters I'm interested in, compared to the people who have been watching it more than I have. I can see the characters that the writers want me to like and be iterested in, and maybe it's my dislike of doing what I'm told, but I just can't seem to care. It's the seeming superfluous characters that I want to know more about, but I don't think I will, sadly.

I'm usually like that, though. I see a character who is mostly thrown in the story as a place holder and am intrigued by them. Maybe this happens because I'm not usually interested in black and white characters (as so many lead protagonists have been, historically), so I get interested in the shady and subtle ones that who's motivation we don't necessarily know.

Well, this was supposed to be about Alias and Lost, and hasn't really been, so maybe I'll talk about them in a later post.

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