Friday, June 30, 2006

Non-stop party

Wednesday night officially kicked off the non-stop party that is going to last a week around here. What started out as a random small trip down to LA to go to Hotel Café turned into a random big trip. Monday night, Chris, Rachel, and Jessica were sitting around playing cards and listening to some music when somebody (Jessica, I think) said, “I really like her (the musician playing). We should go and hear her play!” As it turns out, she was playing in Hotel Café (an old stomping ground of Jessica’s) and a trip was planned.

I decided at about 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon to join the trip down, even though it meant getting little sleep on Wednesday night and suffering through two more days of work, and somehow convinced Robert to join us down there, also. So we all went down to Hollywood and had a very enjoyable night. I was thinking about sleeping on the drive back (Chris was driving, not me) but seeing how we hadn’t seen each other for half a week, we had way too many movies to talk about, and I didn’t manage to take a nap.

Last night was my break from the party, because it’s very dangerous for me to hang out with people on Thursday nights. I think the weekend feels way too close, so I figure that I can stay up later than I probably should, and I didn’t want to compound Wednesday night with a late Thursday night.

Saturday I should be going to the beach with some of my family (not sure who’s going to go) which should be relaxing. I look forward to being cold (somewhat) again. Then on Sunday I’m trying to put together a poker night (for any who are interested), Monday night is our official freedom celebration (because we won’t be able to have a late night on Tuesday) with everybody, and Tuesday night I’ll probably be doing something small.

I’m hoping to somehow manage to fit in seeing Superman Returns, and perhaps even Cars this weekend, as well as finish up my last season of Gilmore Girls, maybe watch an AFI movie or two, and finish up all the interview write ups for my aunt by Wednesday.

So it’s going to be a very busy week, and I hope that I manage my sleep well enough that I don’t need to sleep through any of the festivities. After all, who needs sleep? It’s way overrated.

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