Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oh goodie, something new and different for us.

I would like to say that I hate the new Veronica Mars' theme song. Well, I guess it's not technically new, but merely a remix of the original. Not only is the new song horrible, but the original was great.

Coaches always amuse me. I find them hilarious, most of the time, whether I'm coaching against them or reffing a game for them. Some, of course, give me more amusment than others. Highest on the list are the coaches that are just clueless. Now, at the high school level there aren't all that many of these out there, but there are a few (and I encounted plenty that I've coached against). They have no idea what's going on, have no clue what the rules are, and really have no idea about anything regarding strategy. There is one high school coach like this who's games I always look forward to reffing, or watching if they're playing BHS. This coach (and her school) shall remain nameless, but I always have to stop myself from laughing out loud when I hear what she says on the sideline to her players. I would explain what she tells her players that is so stupid, but nobody would understand, so there's no need. Just believe me that it's hilarious.

The next type of coach that cracks me up are those that scream and yell at the ref, and when that doesn't work (or gets them kicked out), they fall back on making wannabe-sarcastic comments about the ref and/or the other team. Invaribly, the "ref wants us to lose," and "we would have won if it wasn't for the ref," even though the team was far less technically skilled than the other (in fact, it's very common that the first and second types of coaches are embodied in one person, so usually the lack of skill is the coach's fault).

See, I know that while refs may suck, they usually don't want one team or the other to win or lose (there are exceptions to this, I know), so when a ref makes horrible calls, it's because they suck, not because they're biased. So instead of getting angry at them, I just sit back and laugh at them. And keep on laughing, because otherwise dealing with horrible refs (and lets face it, most of them suck) would just get lame. So intead, I get a good laugh out of those games, even if they are frustrating.

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