Sunday, November 12, 2006

An evening well spent

My Friday night was spent winning a soccer ball for a very cute young man. Before you get excited, he's 1, and we had a blast at Papa O's on Gosford. Unfortunately they don't have any good games there, so the only thing to do is play the halfway carnival games that give you tickets. Now, normally I don't do the whole ticket thing because I could easily buy whatever I win with my tickets for half the cost of winning them, but it was a for a good cause, and most of it wasn't my money.

After that I hung out with Callie and re-watched some VM season 2 that I had been missing (because I missed this week's episodes). Even knowing what's going to happen, I still love that show. Then I watched A Day at the Races to try and make myself like Marx Brothers movies (it wasn't as bad as A Night at the Opera - I didn't fall asleep during it twice). All in all, it was a productive evening.

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