Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A miracle

Two days in a row with a post! Even I don't believe it.

But now, sadly, I can't remember what I wanted to post about. Oh.

A couple weeks ago I was a sub for three days in my former seventh grade science teacher's classroom. I was painfully reminded about the only thing I really hated from Jr. High - dumb people in my class. Now, I loved math and English because they were tiered by ability, but for some reason, the state of California hasn't seen any reason to make history or science broken down by ability. I couldn't ever see a reason for this (and still can't, honestly). Most people didn't have a good Jr. High experience due to whatever, I really don't know. I loved Jr. High, expect for history and science. And yes, I'm a jerk and elitist or whatever, but really, there's no reason to put students of widely different abilities in the same class. Neither is going to get the help they need; one is going to be bored out of her mind, and the other is going to (probably) be lost.

So, there's my second post in two days.

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