Thursday, January 11, 2007 much better on holiday

I got reprimanded last night for not having a new post in a while, so I promised I would get one up today. I don't know how long it will be since I have to head off to soccer very soon (BHS vs. Liberty - should I really be put on that game?), but I'll try to get some stuff in.

Last week I apparently disappeared from the face of the planet (according to Rachel), but in reality, I was in Mammoth, getting my snowboard on. It was fun. Tuesday and Wednesday there wasn't much snow, but we still managed to get some good riding in. Wednesday it was supposed to storm and leave us with 2 nice inches of fresh powder, but instead, it dumped over 4, which was a very nice surprise, if it did make for some harsh conditions. But some of us braved the cold and snow and managed to make a good day of it. Friday was awesome, if a little crowded.

Of course, once I got back, I basically stayed in bed for two and a half days, very sick. But I'm just glad that it didn't hit in full force when I was up in the snow, because that would have been lame.

It's a good thing that high school soccer goes on during the winter, because it is by far my most expensive season. First of all, there's Christmas, and spending money then goes without saying. But it also tends to be when I do the most shopping for myself (I can't go to the stores for other people without seeing at least a few things that I need), when I see the most movies (except for the rare instance when good movies come out in the summer), and take the most trips. Plus, snowboarding is expensive. Luckily soccer pays well.

My dad just started working at West High as a math teacher, and now apparently the AD emailed him because they are in need of softball coaches. He said he probably won't have time, but said that his daughter might be interested. We'll see if I am. I've always known that I would enjoy coaching softball more than I did playing it, but I don't know if I would enjoy doing that at West, or at the JV or Frosh Soft level. I guess I'll have to think about it. Plus, it would take a lot of time. And I don't know if I like softball enough. Soccer goes without saying, but not softball. Plus, bad softball is way worse than bad soccer. Way.

Speaking of soccer, I'm headed off to SB again this weekend for a little soccer tournament. I'm definitely looking forward to it, and especially to the Monday afterwards, when I'm (hopefully) going to go wine tasting. I'm hoping the wineries will be open since it will be a holiday, and if not, maybe I'll just have to break in and find some wine myself.

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