Thursday, December 21, 2006

New news

So, apparently blogger has gotten it's newest version out of Beta, so if you belong to the quote page, you're going to have to change your account or something, since I switched it over. It's not difficult, and it looks like there might be more options in this new version. That's the first piece of news.

Another is that my dad is going to be a math teacher starting next semester at West High. He decided to go to teacher school starting last summer, which I think was a good decision on his part, since he wasn't enjoying his job very much at the time. So this is yet another teacher in my family, but at least it's not elementary.

I think I already mentioned it, but it's worth mentioning again. We're having frisbee on Saturday at noon. Call me if you need directions to Liberty Park.

And the last piece of news it that the title for the last Harry Potter book has finally been released. I'll let you find it if you'd like, so I'm not going to put it here. Apparently you can play hangman or something like that at her site to try to figure it out - Robert can send you the link if you'd like.

And that's it for the news from Becca.

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