Friday, May 25, 2007


Chris and I saw Spiderman III (Roman numerals look so much cooler than a silly number like "3") last night in Bakersfield while, at the same time, Rob and Jessica saw it down south. We didn't plan this, but it is kind of funny. Anyways, I thought that it was good, although not as good as the second one. The only downfall to the movie was this 20 minute section in the middle when I had to turn to Chris and say, "All of a sudden I feel like I'm watching The Mask."

The rest of it was great, since Sam Raimi has this amazing ability to direct great action scenes while not losing his signature cheesiness. All the main actors did great jobs, with the exception of Dunst (who didn't do a poor job, she just didn't have all that much to do). Topher Grace was in his usual form, and James Franco was hilarious (I hope he meant to be). Not to mention Bruce Campbell (I have to wonder how many people will realize that he played a different character in the first movie).

I don't want to say too much about it since I know people haven't seen it, and that means it's probably best if I end this post here.

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