Monday, June 18, 2007

If the teacher pops a test I know I'm in a mess

Okay, I've finally gotten around to posting the results of the first personality quiz. Sorry for the delay, but just think, now there's less time until the next one (assuming I get it out on time). Anyways, I chose the tv show Saved by the Bell, because I'm pretty sure everybody watched it, and you all probably expected me to choose something like Veronica Mars or Arrested Development.

I have to include the little snipit before the quiz because it's trivia, and I love trivia. "This sitcom, salvaged from a failed Disney Channel series titled Good Morning, Miss Bliss, centered around a group of Students at Bayside High School, in Palisades, California."

So, there are an option of 5 characters and I'm going to include who each person is most and least like, and any ties that there are. Bold is most like, italics is least like.

Slater - Your predatory ways and aggressive mind-set make you an innate alpha dog. And sure, you've got the strength and speed of a natural-born jock. But don't let that tough exterior fool anyone. You're a puppy god on the inside, especially when it comes to love.

Kelly - You appreciate the finer things in life, and if one of those things happens to be reflected in the mirror, so be it. Some may think being cute, popular, and perfect must have its drawbacks, but who has time to even worry about what those drawbacks are?

Zack - People think things come easily to you, but all that scheming takes a lot of work. You've got some scam or prank brewing at any given moment, and it usually revolves around getting a date for Saturday night. Wipe that devilish grin off your face.

Screech - You're a little nerdy, sure, but you wear it as a badge of honor, managing to keep things light and breezy. In fact some might say that your eccentricities make you all the more fun. You march to the beat of your own drummer and let your freak flag fly.

Jessie - You are strong, you are invincible. Free of society's constraints, you know who you are and have no problem taking a stand for what you believe in. You battle the patriarchy, you fight for the environment, and you stand up for the little guy no matter what. Anyone got a problem with that?

Becca: Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Carly: Zack, Screech; Jessie
Rob: Slater; Kelly
Jessica: Screech, Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Chris: Zack, Jessie; Slater, Screech

I could include scores, but that's really just too much effort. If you want more details, let me know, and I might provide them.

And look Friday for the new quiz!

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