Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who are the 4400?

Granted, it's a bit late, but I'm not ready to post this month's tv/movie on DVD. Last month I picked a random television show that I've heard good things about to try out, but this month I'm going to talk about a show that I already own, but which more people need to watch. The show is USA's The 4400.

The first thing you have to get past is the fact that this show is considered to be science fiction. Actually, I think it should be considered more fantasy, but that isn't much better for most people. The thing about sci-fi is that there's good and there's bad. The bad sci-fi is what most people picture - bad B movies with creatures from outer space invading and horrible special effects.

This show (and many others out there that people are biased against) is good science fiction. The special effects are seemlessly inserted, and there are actually very few special effects needed, because the show is set today, with no other technology than what we have right now. Where the sci-fi comes in is that there people appear in a ball of light from space. Yes, that's sort of weird, and yes, some of them have special powers, but that is not what the show is about, it's merely a catalyst for what happens. The show is about how the core group of characters (some 4400, some not) manage to rebuild their lives after the ball of light, and how other people make them outcasts and are scared of the 4400. The two main characters aren't even 4400, but are Homeland Security agents who are tasked with helping the 4400's to readjust to society.

It's a very well done show, with lots of interesting characters (and not just because of their abilities). The first season is only 5 episodes long (the first one is two hours long), but it's packed with action, and the two later season improve on the preceding ones. Which I'm hoping means good things this summer, since it's a summer series on USA.

So borrow it, watch it, and beg the current seasons episodes off of me when you catch up. It's that good. Oh yeah. New episodes start Sunday, June 17 at 9 PM.

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