Monday, July 16, 2007

Mister F

Well, it's been a bit delayed due to a visit down to LA, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book and movie), Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and 9 glorious hours of goblin and orc slaying, but here are the latest results for the online quizzes!

As I hoped you guess from the title, I finally choose "Arrested Development" as the subject of the quiz.

"This series takes on the interpersonal relationships and dynamics surrounding the always dysfunctional Bluths following the arrest of the family patriarch.

Michael: Traditional and idealistic, you're the kind of person who gets more out of doing things for others rather than yourself. Though you're a natural leader and take pride in being a self-starter, you also have a bit of an edge, no doubt from putting up with your family so long.

Gob: You're a loose cannon - a spoiled and demented con artist whose idea of a good time often crosses the line from playfulness into bullying. Your own best audience, you have a gift for standing out in the crowd, thought it might be because your act is so cheesy.

Buster: Sheltered and repressed, you're a simpleminded wallflower, a creature of habit who's constitutionally averse to change and would rather hide in his room. So what if you're out of touch? Maybe if more people never left the house, the world would be a less frightening place.

Lindsay: You're the definition of a hopeless romantic, on who, considering how fashionable you are, is as bad at getting a date as you are at keeping one. Constantly getting in your own way, you end up sabotaging yourself at every turn, though you always look good doing it.

Tobias: Quirky, compulsive, and more than a little conflicted, you have a natural talent for self-deception. Pretentious and performance-oriented, you think you have it all figured out, though your endless and tiresome journey of self-discovery may yet turn up the real you in the end.

Lucille: You're a cruel one - a haughty, ruthless sort who takes pleasure in making others uncomfortable. Acerbic and blindsiding, you demand that people indulge your most delusional requests. You lack a single nurturing bone in your body. To say you're old-fashioned is to insult the elderly.

Becca - Michael, Buster (3); Lindsay (0)
Carly - Lindsay (4); Michael, Lucille (0)
Chris - Tobias (4); Michael, Lindsay (0)
Jessica - Lindsay, Tobias (3); Gob (0)
Robert - Michael, Buster (3); Gob (0)

This was the first time that everybody had a character with zero answers. Also, for an alternative description of these characters, check this out. (For those of you who haven't seen it already).

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