Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Holy Night Soil, Batman!

Tonight was the beginning of season 3 of Weeds, so the three of us townies made a party of it (although no pot was involved) by creating a drinking game out of the show. Unfortunately, we didn't think much about the rules we were making, and only one ended up applying, but it applied a whole lot. The rule was every time they swear, you have to take a drink of the Happiness wine. Even when we dialed it down to only two words applying, we still got through the bottle rather quickly.

After the show, we were killing time, and decided to watch some of Meadowlands. For some reason, however, instead of watching the show, we got into a discussion about late 80's and early 90's stair placement in sitcoms. Chris commented that in all your family sitcoms (Full House, Family Matters, Boy Meets World, Blossom, Sister Sister) the stairs is placed directly behind the door on the left side (usually, although the last two are different) of the living room. There is no foyer, and the kitchen is directly through the door from the living room.

We discussed why this might be so (the composition of the shot, inability to pan, so you want them coming downstairs right by the door to answer it), and I think that Jessica and I won, in that there are lots of reasons for this, and they all come down to either money or ease (usually both). Chris should know better than to get into a "discussion" with two philosophy majors. Even if it's friendly, we don't aim to lose.

After that, we decided that we had thrown enough bull around, we might as well see how the masters do it, so Chris turned on a episode of Penn and Teller, which was all about colonics. It was very interesting, and somewhat disturbing (giant sized colon, anybody?). All in all, it was a great evening, made all the better by perhaps a little too wine, a little too quickly (darn Showtime and HBO allowed to use bad language!).

Quote of the evening - Penn or Teller: If it was called bull-night soil, you'd be able to see it on your TiVo.

Other quote of the evening - Chris: It's raping my memory! (He meant to say erasing).

1 comment:

jess.petrini said...

Oh that was a good night... Who says there's nothing to do in Bakersfield? :)