Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The stuff that draems are made of.

I don't often (that I can remember, at least) have the normal sort of dreams that "everybody" has. That I can remember, I've never dreamed that I was naked at school. Nor have I had the flying dream. I can't think of any other "standard dreams," but I'm pretty sure I don't have them. I've often wondered why I haven't, in particular the flying dream. I think it would be amazing to be able to fly (that and being insubstantial at will are my dream superpowers), so it's kind of strange that I wouldn't dream about it. I'm sure there's some psychological reason for it.

I do have lots of epic fantasy dreams, though. And lots of dreams involving sports. I'm sure there are psychological reasons for those, too.


Chris Burzlaff said...

Where are the quiz results?

Rachel said...

all of my dreams seem to involve mass migration because fo war... Im sure theres a reason for that as well.

Will said...

The last dream I can remember involved throwing a grenade down the throat of a three-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex as it was trying to eat me. Analyze THAT, Sig-mund Frood!