Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is nothing sacred?

I realize that creativity has been so lacking lately that artists of all kinds must remake, rerelease, cover, steal, and sequel-ize, but I thought some things were off limits. For example, if I ever saw a remake of Casablanca, or Casablanca II: Ilsa's Return, I think I would never watch another movie put out by anybody involved in the project (down to the second best boy).

You can imagine my shock, dismay, and really, disappointment when I heard a rap/techno remix of the puppet show song from "The Sound of Music." It was on a warm-up disc for volleyball, and I was surprised that young kids would put something like that - even a few lines of it - on a warm-up CD. My initial surprise turned to horror when it broke into the vamped up, techno chorus. Most of the song didn't even resemble the original, it was just a few lines of yodeling, and the intro (at least that I could tell, it was very hard to understand the words).

What's next - Gershwin? Disney? I can just see kids getting down to pumped up versions of " 'S Wonderful" or "So This Is Love." Perhaps next year's prom will have "Cheek to Cheek" on the playlist, although I doubt it will be the same cheeks that Few was singing about.

Some things should just be off limits.

1 comment:

Chris Burzlaff said...

I did a little research after reading your post and found out that the song is "Wind it Up" by Gwen Stefani. You should check out the music video. Possibly the longest 3 minutes of my life.