Thursday, December 13, 2007

The deep abyss

I have been sucked into the abyss that is the Warcraft III map editor. And yes, I know I'm a nerd. I've never denied it, nor will I ever. I know I can't fool anybody.

Anyways, this this is the end all in power over Warcraft III. It's amazing in its depth, even if I haven't managed to get all the commands down. It's part video game, part programming code, all fun.

My two days of fun starts tomorrow. Originally, I had been put with my brother at CSUB doing really bad girls varsity games, which I was looking forward to. $40 per game, with no sprinting and only minimal jogging for two days I can handle. But the stupid assigner changed me to doing moderately good girls varsity games, with lots of sprinting, filled in my some standing around, and some jogging. For probably less money, because there will be more refs on the game. And it's at the soccer park, which adds at least another hour per day to the time I have to spend. I'm not very happy about this.

For anybody that will be in town, I'm having a poker party at my house on Saturday the 22nd. All are welcome, and it should be a lot of fun hanging out and enjoying people's company right around Christmas.

1 comment:

Jason St.Clair said...

You're a nerd! Only nerds use the map editor. The more triggers you have (that work), the nerdier you are.

Ha, I'm beating you.