Monday, January 28, 2008

Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone.

I'm officially a student again, and I have the student ID to prove it. I've already been struck by all the differences between a big state school (it's much bigger than Cal State Bako, which I knew, but wasn't really prepared for) and the small private school that I'm used to. Paying for parking and my student ID are just the beginning of it, but I think it'll be a good change.

I only had two classes today, and I'm very excited about one - both the material and the professor. She was an English and econ major in college (Jess, there's another in the world!) and is making us start with ancient philosophers in the history of economic thought, unlike most courses of it that start just before Adam Smith (late 1700's). So I get to read Aristotle in an econ class, which is very exciting. I also love that the prof told the class that this was going to be a hard class not because she grades hard, but because the material is dense, and there's a lot of writing. At the end of her little spiel, I thought to myself, "Hurrah, I'm home!"

The other shouldn't be too bad, in spite of the fact that the prof strikes me as a bit of an off-topic rambler. Of course, this is just a first impression, but I think it's a pretty safe assumption, considering that as we introduced ourselves, he interrupted almost every person with some tidbit of his own. While off-topic rambling can be fun, when I'm in class, I'm there to go over the material and not learn all about the personal likes and dislikes of my prof. If they throw them in every once in a while, that's fine, but completely taking up class time with non-pertinent facts is not okay.

Sacramento seems like a nice city, although I haven't seen much of it. The campus is situated right on the river, which is pretty cool, and there is a great bike/walk path running the whole length of the river (it's the American River, not the Sacramento River). If I had a bike, I could take the path all the way to campus from my uncle's house (about 5 miles), but I couldn't fit it in my car on the way up. Next trip I'll have to convince my dad to bring all my stuff up in the Expo.

I'll post again at the end of the week about first week impressions, and put up the biggest differences between Sac State and Whitworth, but for now I'm excited to get back into learning and procrastinating.

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