Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things I wasn't prepared for

  1. Parking
  2. All lecture all the time.
  3. Fast food on campus.
  4. Parking (yes, it deserves two spots)

So far things are going well. I've got three classes, and it looks like it might stay that way, since I refuse to take any classes on Tuesday or Thursday, and the philosophy class I wanted to add is now full. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to use the extra time to re-teach myself Latin. Because it will be so useful to my Masters that I just have to know it.

I've added a Calc II for the Social Sciences class, which looks like it should be easy. They started with reviewing differentiation, which I've already finished, and will have to learn integrals, which I will be reviewing before the class gets to them. Apparently there's no trig in this class (which is sad because I love trig) and they gloss over some other topics compared to your standard Calc II class. So while I haven't taken Calc for 7 years, I don't expect any difficulty with this one.

It would appear that my initial impressions of my economics teachers are correct. One is going to waste all sorts of class time because he is obsessed with his own clerverness. This, of course, doesn't mean that he doesn't expect everybody to be in class, even though all of my learning will be done outside of it (he actually takes roll). I think I will have a lot of fun this semester relating all the tales of what he thinks is important to talk about during my precious class time. At least the subject matter is interesting, even if it looks like it might be pretty easy.

The other class is going to be awesome. Not only am I supremely interested in the subject, but it will be difficult (well, marginally), and hopefully will keep my attention. I do find it ironic that the first real topic we hit on (besides a very brief history of economics as a discipline) was the Vienna Circle and Logical Positivism. I really really hope that it is only a brief discussion topic, because if I have to hear about Logical Positivism all semester long, it is going to be very hard not to rip it to shreds every day. For those of you who don't care I won't go into what it is, but I will say that it is the most despised of all the philosophical ideas I learned. Ever.

I've located the Safeway closest to campus, so I'll have my deli food whenever I want it (I love Signature Soups). For all you SoCal people, Safeway is the north's Vons. It looks like there's really nice snow up in the mountains, but I don't think I'll go boarding this weekend. I should pretend that I'm up here to do things other than play, at least for the first week.


rob said...

It's the California Civil War of grocery stores.

Jason St.Clair said...

I look forward to witnessing you trying to be clever about your teacher trying to be clever.

Me said...

Yeah, it'd be like the Civil War if both the North and the South were exactly the same and just liked different names for the United States.

Jess said...

Are you a Karl Popper fan per chance? :) He has some good criticism of logical positivism.

Me said...

Heh, he was the second person we talked about, right after the Logical Positivists. We didn't really go into either of them indepth, which the philosopher in me didn't like, but which was probably good for all of the econ people in the class - which is probably all but me. Although I should probably get just to calling myself an econ person, shouldn't I?

Jess said...

At think at this point, that is probably true. As hard as it is for us philosophy people to you give you up! (although, I guess I should start calling myself a psychology person!

Me said...

If I'm no longer a philosophy person, neither are you. But if you still are, I am too, so I'll allow you to call yourself a philosophy person.