Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More Free Rice

A while ago I posted the link to Free Rice, which is a vocabulary game that donates rice for every word you get right. I'll occasionally play it when I'm sitting at my computer and bored, and I've been surprising myself with how many words I know. Granted, the format is multiple choice, and anybody who was in US History with me knows about my mad guessing abilities, but it can't all be explained through that.

Most of the words in the level I'm at now would never come up in conversation, or even in writing a paper, but I know them through books. It's pretty interesting what kind of archaic language will be routinely used in fantasy, so that I'm very familiar with a word like "simulacrum" when it's apparently a word that most people don't know (Props if you can figure out which book I especially know this word from - I know at least one person out there has read it).

The other way that I know words is because I'm a very strange person who has studied both Greek and Latin for a year each. This helps reinforce my absurd guessing abilities, but really, if I can recognize a root in a word, I've gone beyond guessing. I just wish I could retake the SAT verbal portion and see what I could get. Well, I would never want to waste that much time taking a stupid standardized test that isn't necessary, but you know what I mean.

Has anybody looked at Free Rice? If so, what's your level? I'm just curious.

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