Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Malthusian Population Doctrine

The title of my post will have nothing to do with the content, but I like the word "Malthusian." Also, he deserves to be given some props since during his life he got the snot beaten out of him (intellectually), and didn't get vindication until something like 100 years later. Sucks to be him.

Anyways, I haven't posted in a while because I was around so many people that normally read this over the weekend, but I decided that since there are a few of you out there who weren't in Bakersfield for Easter, I would update.

I got into town last Thursday, thanks to carpooling with my aunt. Thursday and Friday were spent lazing around and downloading The Sarah Conner Chronicles and Smallville to catch up. I was pretty impressed with the Terminator show, especially never being a huge fan of the movies. I am, however, going to watch all of them this weekend, since they're all on (although on different channels, fancy that). Saturday was the engagement party, which was a ton of fun, except for the pictures to which I was subjugated. And, Jan took my plate away, but let the boys keep their cups for the picture. How is that fair? Afterwards a bunch of people went to BJs for a pizza buffet, and then we played Apples to Apples, which is always a crowd pleaser.

This week I had my first soccer practice (and I now know how much work I have in store for me this fall), took another test, and waited at the doctor's office for 40 minutes for a 40 second TB test procedure. And the place wasn't even busy. Before I can officially go on break I have another practice, and then some sort of try out (no, I'm not the one trying out) on Saturday where hopefully I'll get to round out my team. Then it's off to the train (probably) Saturday afternoon for a week of relaxation. Or making money, whichever comes first.

New poll (or at least there will be one soon, as soon as I figure out what to ask).


Rachel said...

he was vindicated?

EC said...

he gets the snot beat out of him every 25 years or so...

he's making a come back with some economists at the world bank rather recently.

Me said...

I was speaking particularly about the fact that he argued against Say's Law, which was laughed at until Keynes came around and realized that under consumption was something that was actually possible.

His population doctrine is another thing that I don't want to go into.

EC said...


keynes has gotten the snot beat out of him tho too. though, people dont generally worry about under consumption...esp right now with the credit crises being what they are so maybe, this has gone untouched? i would assume so. there is a really popular journal of keynsian economics that some of my professors (european socialists) like to assign.

i will look up this say's law. thanks for the education dude.

you're probably not interested...the new population doctrine stuff actually is based off of an environmentalist approach. finite amount of natural resources....economic development therefore can mean doom. if there was ever a theorist i ever hoped was wrong, it would be malthus about population. but they make convincing arguments a lot of times. esp the new stuff. it's worth a look if you're into the environment + economics.

+ have u ever done econometrics? do u have any recommendations for some intro to econometrics textbooks?

Me said...

I think I might have to look into the new population doctrine stuff, especially since it looks like I won't have much to do over spring break.

I'm taking Econometrics right now, and the book we're using seems pretty good. It's got some good examples, and doesn't seem too hard to understand (from what other people say; I don't think it's hard at all).

Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide - AH Studenmund