Sunday, March 02, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

I spent almost exactly 49 hours in Bakersfield this weekend. I managed to get a surprising amount of things done in a short amount of time, which is good. Friday night I went to bed somewhat early because I had to get up early before class to make sure I was prepared for a math midterm, which it turns out I didn't really need to do. Saturday was spent lazing around the house, and also taking Max to get a shot and re-registered so he can get a tag. Saturday evening we went to a surprise party for my Grandmother (step), which is the reason I went home. It was fun, although there were only four other people close to my age (including my brother, Robby).

My cousins Nick and Brian are about four months older than Billy and I (they're also twins), and they just graduated from Cal Poly in December, one with a degree in wine making, and the other with a degree in grape growing (in their defenses, they also had other ag-related majors). We had a fun time discussing wine tasting in Paso (since they went to school so close they went often) and in California in general.

After that, I met up with Chris and Jessica, and we went to El Portal, and then returned to the apartment to hang out. We ended up watching an episode of Dexter, which was very good. Sunday was made up of church, lunch, Costco, and my uncle's house, where I got to meet the newest Jennings, my little cousin Lucas. He's very cute, and unlike the other one, didn't scream
at all. I can't wait to see him in the little Green Lantern outfit that I got him, since he's almost big enough for it. (Yes, I've already bought my cousin a super hero outfit - do you have a problem with that?).

I shall post later with my thoughts from driving on the 5 and 99, as well as a tenet of Beccanomics, as soon as I have time to formulate it completely.

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