Sunday, April 20, 2008

Marxist Poetry

I'm sure you all don't read the little tidbits of economic scholarly journalistic writing (how's that for adjectives), but I'm going to keep putting them up anyways. Read on for more about Marx!

"Marx is one of the few poets we have in an otherwise arid economic landscape. His evocative remarks about the dehumanization of labor, his rich imagery about living and dead labor, and the deathknoll of capitalism, and about alienation are unsurpassed. Marx's metaphor of a 'reserve army' of the unemployed serves to remind us of the immense sacrifice the dispossessed make in their lives, of the constant uphill battle to make ends meet. Workers are expendable; life and limb are readily destroyed for the sake of material gain. Cupidity eclipses all that is life-affirming; even those who scramble to the top do so only by degrading and dehumanizing themselves. Marx is our Neitzsche and should be embraced accordingly."

Don't worry, my paper is due tomorrow, so you will soon be done with this (at least concerning Marx). I did find a brilliantly snarky speech that I'm going to read for fun, and I'm sure to find some fun quotes.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

normally i love snark but this makes my eyes glaze over...