Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tidbits from Economics

I shared this with Robert, but I think all of you should get to read it. This sentence is absolutely amazing.

"Significant here is the question of whether the errors were "genuine" or "dishonest," as well the fascinating questions relating to the paradigmatic distinctiveness of Marxian economics relative to, say, the Ricardian and neoclassical varieties turning on the role accorded scarcity considerations. "

Robert's response was: Wow. I think I can decipher assembly code easier than I can read that sentence. Assembly code is the binary crap that a computer understands.

Also, in history of thought, we were talking about how sad it is that the marginal revolution (the people that first looked at marginal utility) didn't lay down the "methodological smackdown" that they could have. "Methodological smackdown" is my professor's phrase, not mine.

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