Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.

I need to start watching Star Wars again, mostly so that quoting it will once again be second nature to me. Lately, all of the episodes have been on Spike, which is great. We watched the end of Empire and most of Return on Sunday, and it was very interesting to watch these movies with people who are not fans. For one, the children knew the main points of interest (Luke and Leia are twins, Vader is their father), but they had no idea about the plot points that get to those places. It's really kind of sad that people can no longer watch these with any suspense.

Also, Clint said something that made me want to wash his mouth out with soap, "They need to remake the old ones," he said, and had no idea why this was a bad idea. To him, the new ones aren't even "realistic" enough, although I fail to see how the graphics could be any better. Perhaps he wants it to be realistic by not being in space, which really, I wouldn't put past him. All I can say is that it's a good thing we're not related.

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