Thursday, April 03, 2008

A whole different culture

I've gotten to delve back into the Elementary School culture again this week, which is always interesting. Yesterday was a particularly illuminating picture, since I was outside all day with probably 500 children. The school I was subbing at was having it's second all day track meet (for which I wasn't prepared, unfortunately).

I showed up expecting an easy day because I had a 5/6 combo which I've had before, but found out that it would be an even easier day because of the track meet. I helped out with timing some events, and it was a good day. The most interesting thing, however, was the music they played for the kids to listen to during the meet. The Spongebob song came on, and while I didn't recognize it, every single kid outside was singing along. The same was true of Scooby Doo and Powerpuff Girls. Then there are the songs which they all dance to, like the Apache Song (I think that's what it's called), and some other song that tells them to stomp, slide, or clap. What might be even funnier than watching the kids get into these songs is watching the teachers also dance along.

After subbing I headed over to West to watch a softball team, figuring that I should show up and support whichever of my former players were still playing. To my surprise, all but four players on the JV team were on my team last year. They were suitably excited to see me, and tried to pick on me like nothing had changed. I guess it's nice to be missed. Unfortunately they lost, but oh well. You can't have everything.

Tonight I get to help Billy go buy a 360, and it's going to be difficult not to buy Mass Effect for myself. I really don't know yet if I'll manage - it probably depends on which games he buys for himself.

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