Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Strange Happenings

Yesterday as I was riding to school I saw a guy pulling a little child trailer with his bike. I didn't think anything was strange until I realized that the child was actually a German Shepard enjoying getting pulled along.

I also saw another snake, but this one was a little green guy that was absolutely terrified of my bike. Quite comforting.

It looks like I may get back Friday afternoon/early evening if anybody is interested in doing something in Bakersfield. My dad is doing his little Master's ceremony this weekend down in LA, so I'll be gone for at least Saturday and Sunday. It's a little unfair that he's getting his before me, but I just comfort myself by pointing out that it's not a real Master's degree, it's the one they give teachers (and yes, I realize I may be making some people mad, deal with it!).

Anyways, time to look at the Calc II notes (I get and 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper for the test). I'm really not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

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