Monday, May 19, 2008

Freaking pissed

My mom came up to visit me this weekend, which was a lot of fun. She got here on Friday and we went to the outlet mall to walk around, although I had gotten little sleep the night before and it was hot so we didn't shop for too long (I don't usually shop for long anyways). Then we went to Crepeville for dinner with my aunt, since it was her birthday. I had told her to Netflix Eddie Izzard, so we went and watched some of that, which is funny as always.

Saturday my cousin was having a huge birthday bash (with like 30 high schoolers over) so we helped set up for a little bit then drove to Davis since my mom had never been there and wanted to see the town. Sunday was a successful attempt to escape the heat with a trip to the Bay Area to visit my aunt. We had a nice brunch and then I pretty much spent the day playing video games (Super Smash Brothers Brawl, so take that Chris and Rob). It was great fun.

I have three finals in three days, so I really should be studying right now (the first one stats in an hour and fifteen minutes), but I'm obviously not. I guess I'll end this and get to work. Or perhaps I'll go eat breakfast instead.

Oh, I almost forgot the reason for the title of the blog! My mom's brand new car was parked on the street next to the house on Sunday, and some idiot (I'd use stronger language, but my family reads this) hit her car. At first we thought they had just nailed the side mirror, which is annoying but not worthy of really getting angry. But it turns out they also managed to clip the car near the back wheel, denting it. It's just a little one, and if it was on my car I wouldn't get it fixed, but this car is seriously less than a month old. I'm freaking pissed!

1 comment:

Jason St.Clair said...

I'm guessing they didn't leave a note or anything. What a butt.

I can't wait till Father's Day, mainly because Aubs is going to get me Smash Bros. Brawl.