Sunday, July 20, 2008

Home Again

I'm finally back up north where I belong. Yesterday I came over to the Hollister household to catch the end of a week long party. Almost every surface that could be converted to sleeping was last night, on account of the fact that there was a big triathlon here yesterday, and the teammates of my uncle and their families were all staying here. So I took all of the children to laser tag yesterday, and afterwards we went to the river, finishing up with an awesome dinner of margaritas, tri-tip, and some good Spanish wine.

Next week I'll be busy hanging out with my cousins, making up for the fact that I wasn't here all summer, and then the week after I'll have the house all to myself while I house sit. I'm thinking there will be a different Netflix movie each day, as well as whatever I can find to Tivo. Considering that I'll also be able to run/bike again (the air was too nasty in Bakersfield for such activities), and it'll probably be a perfect week.

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