Friday, August 08, 2008

And sometimes there's a third, even deeper layer,

and that one is the same as the top surface layer. Like with pie.

It's been a busy week, but luckily I get to sit through 20 hours of complete boredom this weekend (that was sarcasm, by the way). Yay for being made to sit through a 20 hour ref course when I've been doing this half of my life.

Wednesday my mom and I went down to LA to meet up with Rob for a pickup game of frisbee. Of course, I had decided to randomly give blood that morning, so I had to take it easy (sort of), but it was still awesome.

Thursday my mom and I headed to the beach, which was fun, if windy. I like the beach to be hot (almost too hot) so that the water is a welcome relief, and you can jump in and out and easily dry off in the sun. Unfortunately, while the sun was warm, there was a strong wind which kept the temperature a little too cool. But it was still fun.

Today my big accomplishment was that I finally got around to figuring out how to remove red eye in a picture with Photoshop. This is important for me because I think I have yet to see a picture of myself that used a flash where my eyes aren't red, and I'm talking bright red. So go me!

(By the way, I chose that quote because of the mention of layers, which you use in Photoshop).

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i always get red eye too