Sunday, March 22, 2009

Formatting issues

So I've decided that I'm going to give Script Frenzy a go (anybody feel like competing with me?). Of course, I'm pretty certain that if I don't get a least a third to half of it done during the first week (my spring break) there's no way I'm going to win, so I may end up giving up by the 5th. Apparently the weird thing about writing a scrip is all the formatting issues that you have to deal with. Luckily, there's a few free programs that help you to format stuff, so I've been busy exploring the program I've picked over the past few days.

There are a couple that you can use online - perfect for people at a regular job who want to sneak in some writing through the day. Not so perfect for somebody who occasionally has to escape wi-fi signals to get everything done. So I picked one that I can install on my computer. It has a lot of cool things I'm never going to use (storyboarding, production schedules), but I can imagine that would be really nice for somebody making a no-budget film.

Now to find some shinguards.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i know some people who are doing it. too bad you don't have a mac; you could use scrivner.