Thursday, April 09, 2009

Cause and Effect

If I had realized how busy my April was going to be, I'm not sure if I would have decided to do Script Frenzy. As it is, I may have to stop, as much as it pains me to leave something unfinished. I think it'll depend on this week (including the weekend) and how much I get done with an empty house (in November much of my writing also happened on a long weekend with an empty house).

I discovered that Bakersfield is actually bad for my health, as I spent almost four days walking (or more frequently lying down) in misery, yet I feel perfectly fine up here. Granted, most of that probably had to do with something I ate, but still. All correlation means causation!

Not sure if people have heard about the case in the Supreme Court about reverse discrimination of firefighters. Apparently a city threw out the results of an exam for promotion because none of the top 15 scorers (who would have been promoted) were black. 14 were white and one was latino. Anyways, I was discussing this with a classmate who writes code to test if hiring practices are discriminatory because it's what he deals with everyday, and we both think that throwing out the test is a load of bull. Just another example of correlation with no causation, in my opinion. Unless there's some way that the test was biased towards whites, then to throw out the results is discriminatory. I love that one of the city representatives said (to paraphrase) that they decided they could be sued by blacks if they kept the results, so they had to throw them out.

Yes, let's act in ways so that we don't get wrongfully sued, rather than in the correct way. That's a great stance!

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