Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The thing I don't like about finals (and final papers) is that you don't get them back. I always have this very strong desire (that I've never yet acted upon) to go back to professors the next semester and ask for my final, hopefully with what I did wrong marked on it (the same is true of final papers). I wonder what responses would be if I actually did that.

I mean, if the purpose is to learn and not just get a grade, shouldn't be we interested in what we got wrong, and shouldn't professors want to tell us that? It's not like the grade was the purpose of the class and once I find out what my final grade is I shouldn't care about the tests and problem sets.

In fact, professors should hand out the answer key to finals as soon as they're turned in so that students can know what they should have put. That would solve half the problem (but not the part about papers). And if they did that, I would haven't this dilemma.

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