Thursday, May 07, 2009


So I used Pandora when it first came out (when I was at Bolthouse). But since I got Soren I had pretty much stopped using it. Recently, however, I wanted to listen to a specific genre of music that Soren doesn't have. Rob thankfully reminded me of Pandora, and I've been listening to it since. It seems to me like they've gotten better algorithims for picking songs, although that could also be because I've better defined my stations.

Anyways, I recently identified a quandry that Pandora leaves me in. I can't take Pandora with me everywhere. While it's great for doing homework while I'm at home or at school, I can't take it with me in the car, or on the trail. So thanks to Pandora I'm going to be finding all sorts of new songs I like, but I'm still going to have to buy them if I want to take them with me. And facing a 10 hour train ride soon (round trip), I need some new music.


rob said...

Somebody needs a new phone. I can stream Pandora on my blackberry. I hear those new-fangled iphones can do a similar trick.

Me said...

I know that some phones can do that, but I can't imagine paying that much extra money per month for internet on my phone just to have Pandora. Remember, I don't have the disposable income that you do.