Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have this guitly feeling telling me that I've been neglecting my blog lately, but I find I don't have anything to write. Of course, there are things I probably could talk about, but perhaps my brain has shut off to recharge for the last few days before classes start because nothing seems appealing to write.

Of course, my brain could also have shut off because I've been using it too much recently for things that aren't for school (like creating websites and servers). Oh well, the first two weeks of the semester are pretty slow, right? I should be able to recharge then. Of course, one of the books for one of my classes is titled Intro to Econometrics, which I believe was the same title for my undergrad econometrics class (at least it's not the same book). So it could be a slow semester.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

maybe you are jsut feeling guilty for not commiting to the camping trip