Thursday, January 20, 2005

"You've Got Mail"

Okay, so I just finished watching the last half of You've Got Mail because it was on tv and I now have a tv next to my computer so I can multi-task. Anyways, all Tom Hank's character does in the entire second half of the movie is manipulate Meg Ryan's character, and the audience is supposed to think its nice and romantic and all that? I'm sorry, but if somebody manipulated me like that, I think I'd be a little angry.

And now I've found Mission Impossible (the first one) in order to take my mind off the romantic comedy that I just saw. In all honesty, though, You've Got Mail is one of the better romantic comedies out there, but that's not saying much. Anyways, today was my mom's brithday, so we got to go out to dinner at Applebee's. Since Robby wasn't home - nobody knew where he had gone - I had hoped that we could manage to leave Robby out of it, but my mom had to call him and tell him where we were. So we had a nice family dinner with all of us there.

Anyways, after we left, Robby decided it would be fun to take my dad's car without telling or asking anybody. Well, Billy and I got to go on a search to find the Expedition, and take it home without telling Robby. So we'll see if Robby calls the police and reports it stolen, or if he calls home and tells my parents what's happened.

And you might ask why I don't talk about something other than tv or my family, but really, there's not much besides that going on in my life right now. Except that I corrupted a group of third and fourth graders at church last night. Actually, I got to corrupt the entire group of K - 6th in the beginning, but then after games, I had a smaller group.

And now I'm watching I Love the 90's Part Duex. Year 1996. If you haven't watched this show, you must. So far they've talked about Steve Irwin, Romeo and Juliet, and now Ceaser haircuts. Apparently those are the haircuts where its just really short and your comb it forward?

So, I've compiled a list of the top five things to do when you're sitting at home completely bored.

5. Sleep - just ask Amanda, this is a good way to spend your time. Not that she's sleeping because she's bored, though.

4. Surf the internet for hours - always a favorite.

3. Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer - two episodes on FX a day in order.

2. Learned stuff - reading, writing, and latin.

1. Warcraft - working on the undead campaign right now.

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