Saturday, May 21, 2005

Boy is my face red

Yeah, I got a little sunburned today. Mostly due to the fact that I spend the hours between 8 and 5 in a pool. Yay for re-certifying my lifeguard stuff. Actually boo, because I can't take the re-certification class, I have to take the beginner class.

Max is barking really loudly right now and I don't know why. Just thought I'd share.

Anyways, last week was fairly uneventful. I worked three days, which is a lot for me. And they were really easy days because I was at Actis, and two of the days I was the band teacher, which meant I subed for three periods and helped other teachers for three periods by grading papers. That's what I call my kind of day.

Hopefully I'll get to see Star Wars tomorrow night, because I'm terribly sad about the fact that I haven't gotten to see it yet. And yes, I'm going to dress up and have my lightsaber and get into fights while in line. So who wants to go with me? I'll even bring extra lightsabers so you don't die right away.

And apparently tonight I have to find some entertaining way to teach others about the different ways to treat burns. I'm thinking an epic poem might do, although a ballad is also on the list. Not like a rock ballad, but rather a Tolkien style ballad, like the Lay of Luthien. (Can you guess that I just re-watched and -read The Return of the King?

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