Sunday, July 31, 2005


So apparently this summer is the summer of nicknames for Becca. I think the count is up to five. So far the crowd favorites are Roxy and Cuddles. Both of which are obviously me. I'm amazed people didn't come up with those earlier.

I found out last night that I'm bappy, or fappy (adjectives, not nicknames). Not sure which one it is, although they might be the same thing. Those are from Robert, so if you want to have them explained, you might ask him, because I don't think I understand. Or maybe I do understand, but I just don't want to explain.

We had fun last night (Rob, Rach, and I) watching the last like six episodes of the first season of Arrested Development. Its a great show. It was especially great because two of my top four episodes were watched, which was awesome. On Friday I was down in LA for a friend's going away party. We came back that night (Rob, Nat, and I), so I didn't get home until about 4:30. I was a good friend and stayed up to talk to Rob as he drove. It was pretty fun, too. Interesting conversations come about after 2 am.

I'm listening to a song right now called "Bowling Ball." Its great. A line is, "You need that boy like a bowling ball dropped on your head, which means not at all." Its an entertaining song. But now its over.

Now its time to head out to more evening fun with my friends! Woot!

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