Monday, August 08, 2005

The Aftermath

So I'm back from my fun weekend around Santa Barbara. It was a blast! I had so much fun hanging out with my family. Some of you will be amazed that I just typed the previous sentence, but I did.

On Saturday we gathered at the Arroyo Hondo Ranch, which is now a land preserve in Santa Barbara County. It really hadn't changed at all, except that this year there were no tents in the meadow to get hit by volleyballs. We played the required volleyball game, which was awesome, but I think my team loss. Not that we really kept score. Its hard to really keep score when you're playing with at least three kids under 8 on each team.

After the main day of activities, we went to a campground where a lot of people were staying in these nice little cabin things and played cards and just hung out until about 11 when we decided that it was time to head in. So my brothers and I drove to Solvang where we were staying because my parents didn't get on reserving a cabin in time. But that was cool because I got to drive by The Hitching Post. If you don't know what that is, you're lame and need to watch more movies. Unfortunately I didn't get to stop in, because it was closed by 11:45 when I drove by.

The next day was spent at the beach with the assortment of Aunt, Uncles, and cousins that had stayed. We got there about 1 and played about an hour and a half of Ultimate Frisbee. Half of the field was in the ocean, so it was a blast. I had only expected a couple people to play, but almost all of my relatives played, which made for an amazing game. Then we played in the ocean and made a huge sand fort with my younger cousins, got sunburned, and headed home.

Its really funny that I do the same thing with my family that I do with my friends, which is play cards, sit around and talk, and this year, play frisbee. But really, there's not many better ways to waste time, so I can't complain.

In unrelated news, I'm so excited that my past couple of posts caused so many comments! Woohoo!

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