Tuesday, October 25, 2005

To die will be a great adventure.

So I've decided to make the subjects of my blog quotes from movies I've seen recently. Or at least for a while. Chris got the previous one, but will anybody get this one? I sure hope so, mostly because there are a couple possibilities. But if somebody says the one I watched recently, more power to you.

I thought that my previous post would garner some comments, but I guess not. Any thoughts out there about the difference between Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Bonnie and Clyde? How are one group heros and the other villians?

Sunday I got a hat trick in my soccer game, which is impressive considering I usually try to miss my shots. You might ask why I do this, and I have a pretty good reason. The reason is that I and my team can pretty much score at will against most of the teams we play, and I really hate running up scores, something that the rest of my team doesn't really seem to have a problem with. Anyways, I usually try to miss, but make it look like I tried to score. But on Sunday I had three completely break aways that I couldn't make look good by missing. So I scored, and they were pretty good shots, if I do say so. But after I scored the third one I subbed out. Apparently I was playing too well.

I watched Clue last night, which is awesome. Tim Curry is great, and there's some other great talents in it. Plus its just plain crazy, which is awesome. I'd been holding out watching it just because Chris likes it so much (much like Chris refused to read Harry Potter because Rach is obsessed with it). But I really did enjoy it, and am glad I watched it.

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