Friday, November 11, 2005

Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By"

Since Rachel isn't available to do so, I will wish everybody a happy Armistice Day. Too bad WWII came along and made it so today isn't Armistice Day, but Vetrans' Day. But on the 11 hour or the 11 day of the 11 month a long time ago we stopped the Germans. Or something like that. Which is good, because otherwise we might all be speaking German right now, which would be bad for everybody except for Amy and Nat who probably remember some.

Last night was HP Discussion group, which was fun, if small. Then I came home and watched some Tomb Raider, which is surprisingly like the game, at least from the little bit of both that I've seen.

Yesterday while I was here, I created Pascal's Triangle to the 17th line without using a calculator. Yes, I was that bored. But it was fun to make the Triangle and think about Pascal's philosophy, which I always enjoy thinking about. I also started my Top 100 list of movies, but I'm having trouble thinking of ones to add to the list, so it'll take a while, but it appears that I'll have time.

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