Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Women should be kept illiterate and clean, like canaries.

This week at work hasn't been very much fun, since my distractions have been gone for the most part. Luckily, it's the end of the month, so I've had some stuff to do. I've discovered some of my new favorite movies lately, which is very exciting. I've watched High Society, a musical with Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra, based on The Philadelphia Story. It also has Louis Armstrong, as himself.

I also finally finished Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and was throughly impressed. I'm sad that I had never it before. Robert hit it on the nose when he quoted Freeks and Geeks saying, "I wish I had never seen it so I could see it again for the first time." Or at least I thinks that what it was.

You should check out this commercial. It's pretty awesome, and there's no CG at all. It made me happy.

And now I'm watching Cary Grant in a comedy, so my day is complete. If anybody is in town on Saturday, we're going to be playing frisbee at 11:00 am at Cal State.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Feliz Navidad, prospero ano y felizidad

So it's Christmas, and this year was actually enjoyable for me, unlike most. Now, there are bits and pieces of each Christmas season that I enjoy, but for the whole, they are stressing and I don't want to be home. This year, however, we all seemed to get along. This is probably due to the fact that there was hardly a time when all five of us were home, but if that's what it takes, that's what it takes.

I got a ton of clothes this year, which was interesting and a surprise. I knew about three pieces, but my brother and dad decided they needed to go to Buckle in the mall and buy me new jeans and a t-shirt. We'll see how long those stay.

Friday was Christmas with my friends (sadly Natalie couldn't make it) which was so much fun. Any excuse I can have to hang out with them is great. Saturday we had family over for lunch, and I think we're expecting more throughout the week. I also have watched three classic movies this weekend, and I'm thinking I'll get through a couple more tomorrow. Tonight Brandon is bringing over Civilization 4 so we're going to play that, which is exciting.

Now, I know that you didn't need all that information, but some people were accusing me of not updating, so I figured I would when I can. I'll put up my philosophical thoughts about Christmas later.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The pellet with the poison is in the flagon with the dragon. The chalice from the palace holds the brew that is true.

Okay, okay, I get the picture. I'm boring, need to get a life, and need to update more often.

It may be hard to believe, but I haven't had a lot of free time at my computer lately, and I feel (somewhat) badly when I update at work. However, I will do it anyways. Actually, I made an update to post yesterday, but for some reason blogger didn't want to publish it, so I emailed it to myself to publish later, and just didn't have an opportunity.

Right now they guy sitting next to me is playing some very interesting Christmas music. Some of it is good (Judy Garland singing "Have Yourself A Very Merry Christmas," but then there's what's playing now, and I don't even know how to classify it it's so bad. Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to bring in some speakers (I'm going to steal small ones from the family computer that nobody uses anymore because I think bringing in my computer speaker system would be a little over the top), so I can't listen to my good music.

I feel like I'm re-living the teenage days of pinning up magazine covers and pictures in your room that I missed. The room I'm staying in belongs to an 8th grader, and I've been catching up on who's hot and who's not as I try to fall asleep and end up staring at a wall covered with teen magazine covers.

I got a turkey yesterday and thought to myself, "What the heck am I supposed to do with a turkey?" So I took it home and put it on the counter thinking that my mom will somehow dispose of it to a worthy cause. She did. But it made me feel all "grown up" to get a turkey. (Not a word, Amy).

So, does this suffice for an update? There hasn't been anything happening in my life recently, and I didn't want to remind myself of how boring my life is by posting about the boringness, but "my friends" have made me, and now I feel depressed. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

But you hate women.

Anybody know what that quote is from?

I've been busy lately, which is why I haven't posted an update in a while. Besides, I figure everybody else is too busy to check my blog due to finals, holidays, and what not. Lately I've been working, watching movies, and not much more.

Saturday we saw Narnia, which I will refrain from talking about here, because I don't know who's seen it and who hasn't. Suffice to say I was disappointed, but I'm hoping King Kong is much more satisfying (don't fail me Pete!). From what I've seen and read, it looks amazing, but we'll see.

Not much more than that has been going on in my life except work, and I really don't care to talk about that much, so I won't.

Friday, December 02, 2005

"I'll call you if anybody anywhere gets drunk."

Name the movie that this quote comes from and you're super cool.

Yesterday I saw the awesomest thing. When I come home from work I drive through Kern City, which for those of you who don't know, is like a retirement community near West High. But before I even got there I had to pass a little old lady driving a gold cart. There were like plastic doors on it, I guess so that the wind doesn't make her too cold. It even had a liscence plate and lights and everything. I want that to be my car when I'm old. That or a little moped (is that how you spell it), but that could only work if I live someplace like Italy.

I think that the people I work with think I only care about two things: old movies (well, maybe movies in general) and soccer. That seems to be all I really end up talking about, mostly because if I start talking about some of the other things I'm into, they'll think I'm even stranger than I am. However, I do think it might be time to bring a toy or two to work, just because my desk is kind of lame right now. I don't think it will be legos, though, because those would be too tempting for somebody going through the office to accidentally nab.

I've been settling into my job, which is nice because now I am pretty much able to do my work without needing to go to somebody and ask if I'm doing it correctly. I think they've finally realized that I kind of know what I'm doing, which is both nice and not nice, since I might now be getting more to do. Ah, things that are bitter sweet.

I'm hoping this post is as random as I'm feeling right now, but if it hasn't been, I'd like to add that last night I dreamed about playing high school softball again, but I had pissed off my coach so much that he made me go coach the JV team. If only that had happened for real my senior year.

Tonight Rach, her sister, her sister's husband, and I are all going to laugh at Chris who is in the Boar's Head, which is a play at his church. I think he's in a comic role, but even if he isn't, I know I'll be laughing. Actually, especially if he isn't I'll be laughing.