Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The power of girth

I generally spend a lot of my lunch break in my car for various reasons. 1) After spending all morning hearing people talk I want some ‘me’ time. 2) I usually read or nap, which is much easier to do in a car than outside or in a restaurant. 3) I have a clock in my car. Anyways, today I was sitting in my car during lunch with my shoes off listening to some music while I read some of The Once and Future King. I had my feet up on the dashboard mostly because I didn’t want to get my socks dirty, but also because it is comfortable. I guess I stretched a little too much when my right foot was against the windshield, because all of a sudden I heard a *pop*.

“Oh no,” I thought. I can’t have popped my hip out of socket (it occasionally threatens, but thankfully that has never happened). Nothing felt out of place, and I figured I’d be able to feel something (I hear that can be very painful) so I looked elsewhere for the source of the pop. I thought perhaps I had bent in the little arm rest thingy, but that wasn’t the case either. Suddenly I realize that I should move my leg and inspect the windshield. Somehow I managed to break my windshield. Actually, the break is in a pretty cool pattern; it looks like a star.

My poor car has gotten so hurt lately! A couple weeks ago he decided to get a flat tire for no apparent reason (that I could find). When I got home from work he was fine, and the next morning my dad woke up me to tell me my tire was completely flat. Luckily it was a Saturday, but still! So my dad took him in to get it fixed, and it turns out that there’s a ton of other tire/axel work that needs to be done.

But I guess if all I have to deal with is tire problems (and I’ve had more than my fair share of them) and my own strength, then I’m okay with that.

I guess I’m just too girthy for my own good, or rather for the good of my car.

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