Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I have a cankle. Yes, singular. Just one. I'll try to take a picture and put it up here, but it looks like Girthy is getting girthier, at least until the swelling goes down. But I am living up to my name, even if I have to hurt myself to do it.

Vegas was fun, although I'm probably going to disappoint everybody by saying that I didn't do any gambling. Yep, none. First, I was much too tired and hot to go do anything after the games, and second, I was already having trouble breathing with all the dust in the air, and didn't feel like dying of smoke to go in a casino. Even so, I had fun.

The soccer was very good, actually. Nice and competitive, with one of my teammates even getting in a fight with another team. She didn't start it, but she sure did finish it. I never have figured out why other teams always go after the biggest person to pick a fight with. This other girl apparently (I didn't see the beginning) hit Megan in the head, then ran. She ran because Megan is about 5'10 and built like a linebacker. Silly girl. Needless to say, Megan grabbed her, threw her to the ground, and got one punch in before the other team grabbed her and pulled her off. It was funny, although annoying that we afterwards had to play one player down (they did, too, so it wasn't too bad).

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