Saturday, August 11, 2007

You break it, you buy it!

I really can't believe that people treat Borders and Barnes and Noble like a library. I can sort of understand why there are cafes in there, since people go to study and everything. But the people who just go to sit in the chairs and read books the don't intend to buy baffle me. Especially when these people bend the covers back. This probably bugs me especially because I hate people in general that bend back covers, but even more when they don't own the books!


Will said...

As a self-professed Bookstore-browser, I have to say that I too am shocked by such senseless abuse of books one does not own. I freely admit that at times I will go to a bookstore, find a book, and go sit down and read it without intending to buy. I do this fairly often, and I have become something of a fixture at these stores. However, they never kick me out because I am also a reliable repeat customer, in that I am likely to buy a new book (or books, as the case may be) approximately once or twice a month, which is more often than the average customer. It just means that I won't simply shell out my money for just anything. Okay, that's my defense, but the point is, I make a point to never leave the books in such a condition as to cause others to believe that someone has been abusing this book. Thus, I never mark pages, bend the cover back, or employ any of the other abusive things one can do to a book. You paint us browsers with such a wide brush, Becca. We two are not so different, though. And this is where I begin my spiel about going to the dark side, etc. You get the idea.

Me said...

I guess I should have been more specific in my complaining. I was speaking more to the people I've seen asleep in the big armchairs, with a book pressed open in their lap. Or the guy I saw the other night in Borders with a front cover completely folded back.

I think it's actually great for people who want to know what they're buying, or who are interested in the book, but don't want to shell out that much money just yet. I did just that with Understanding Comics (really interesting book about the history and importance of comics).

And I'll never join you! Never!

Will said...

Search your feelings, you know it to be true!