Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick Update

So I'm all done. Well, not all done as in "all done," but at least all done for this year. I think I fairly kicked butt on all my finals, although I can't really tell, because I just know my final grades. So now I'm spending some quality time in Bakersfield being rented out as slave labor to my mom's friends who need help on computers, being used as slave labor in the back yard, and getting ready for Yosemite. I actually don't mind the slave labor part so much, since it gives me something to do.

I spent Memorial Day evening over at the Burzlaff's, which was a lot of fun, and there was some very good food involved. During Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the family (minus the little brother, who can't be bothered to do anything) was down in LA for my dad's graduation ceremony. I took Soren and my DS to keep me company, so it wasn't so bad, plus it was good to see the various family members who live down there.

This weekend three of us are heading up for the yearly Yosemite trip, which I've been looking forward to for months. I think my back may be in good enough shape to tackle Half Dome, which I've only been able to do once and it almost killed me. Billy and I are talking about doing it on Saturday, depending on what time we arrive on Friday (it's an all day hike and would require getting up around 6). I still don't know what I'm doing this summer, but hopefully I'll figure it out within the next week. Anybody know of any available jobs?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Strange Happenings

Yesterday as I was riding to school I saw a guy pulling a little child trailer with his bike. I didn't think anything was strange until I realized that the child was actually a German Shepard enjoying getting pulled along.

I also saw another snake, but this one was a little green guy that was absolutely terrified of my bike. Quite comforting.

It looks like I may get back Friday afternoon/early evening if anybody is interested in doing something in Bakersfield. My dad is doing his little Master's ceremony this weekend down in LA, so I'll be gone for at least Saturday and Sunday. It's a little unfair that he's getting his before me, but I just comfort myself by pointing out that it's not a real Master's degree, it's the one they give teachers (and yes, I realize I may be making some people mad, deal with it!).

Anyways, time to look at the Calc II notes (I get and 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper for the test). I'm really not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Freaking pissed

My mom came up to visit me this weekend, which was a lot of fun. She got here on Friday and we went to the outlet mall to walk around, although I had gotten little sleep the night before and it was hot so we didn't shop for too long (I don't usually shop for long anyways). Then we went to Crepeville for dinner with my aunt, since it was her birthday. I had told her to Netflix Eddie Izzard, so we went and watched some of that, which is funny as always.

Saturday my cousin was having a huge birthday bash (with like 30 high schoolers over) so we helped set up for a little bit then drove to Davis since my mom had never been there and wanted to see the town. Sunday was a successful attempt to escape the heat with a trip to the Bay Area to visit my aunt. We had a nice brunch and then I pretty much spent the day playing video games (Super Smash Brothers Brawl, so take that Chris and Rob). It was great fun.

I have three finals in three days, so I really should be studying right now (the first one stats in an hour and fifteen minutes), but I'm obviously not. I guess I'll end this and get to work. Or perhaps I'll go eat breakfast instead.

Oh, I almost forgot the reason for the title of the blog! My mom's brand new car was parked on the street next to the house on Sunday, and some idiot (I'd use stronger language, but my family reads this) hit her car. At first we thought they had just nailed the side mirror, which is annoying but not worthy of really getting angry. But it turns out they also managed to clip the car near the back wheel, denting it. It's just a little one, and if it was on my car I wouldn't get it fixed, but this car is seriously less than a month old. I'm freaking pissed!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Remind me again...

Why I never went to parties in high school.

Oh wait, it's because of bad loud music and silly people. My cousin had his birthday party tonight (even though his birthday was 2 plus weeks ago), which consisted of a bunch of kids over at the house and a heavy metal band. The band wasn't supposed to go on until 8, but they showed up before 4 to set up, and proceeded to play pretty much for the entire 4 hours until 8. Once they started their set for real, they only played for about 40 minutes, which nobody else finds ironic (annoying). Thankfully they were cut off at 10 because of promises to the neighbors.

My madre is up visiting this weekend, which is fun. We're headed over to the Bay Area tomorrow to try and escape some of the heat (summer is apparently in full swing) and see my aunt. My uncle just got a Wii (in addition to the 360 he has) so it's going to be a fun day. Of course, I probably should be studying for at least my final on Monday when I'm over there, but I'm almost certain that's not going to happen. Maybe I'll make Mom drive and I'll study in the car.

I'm done on Wednesday, which means that I need to officially start figuring out what I'm doing this summer. I'll be in Bakersfield for at least two and a half weeks, but after that I have no idea. I'll keep everybody posted, though!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Holy Venom Batman!

I almost stepped on a rattlesnake today. I'm serious and not exaggerating at all. If I hadn't stopped when I did, there would have been no way to stop my stride before stepping on it. Belle (the dog) gave me no warning, and just ran past. Freaking scared me.

I saw Iron Man and wasn't disappointed, although I didn't like the climax. It just felt forced and cliche, but the beginning was really good. If you're going to see it, see it through the credits, since there's a little tidbit for fans (although most probably won't get it unless they're familiar with Marvel).

Monday, May 05, 2008


I find it highly ironic that there are signs about campus proclaiming the celebration festivities of Cinco de Mayo on Wednesday, May 7 (and also Wednesday, May 8 on some for added humor).

Also, I'm very excited that it's finally test crunch time, and that professors are starting to do the normal final's backoff. By this I mean the lightening of the work load that happens every semester right before finals so that we can study. My studying being done for a couple hours the day before the test, I'm sitting pretty for two weeks of no work, tests, or papers. This means I can make a few bucks (hopefully) by subbing without the stress of knowing I have papers to work on.

PS The title of this post comes from a video we watched sophomore Spanish class, where a mariachi kept singing, "Guadalajara." Chris and Rob - you remember the one I'm talking about?

Thorstein Veblen

I have found my new favorite economist, not so much for what he talked about, but rather because of the method that he used to talk about it. Take, for example, this passage (yes, I realize there will be eye glazing, but I still have to share).

If we are getting restless under the taxonomy of a monocotyledonous wage doctring and a cryptogamic theory of interest, with involute, loculicidal, tomentous and moniliform variants, what is the cytoplasm, centrosome, or karyokinetic process to which we may turn, and in which we may find surcease from the metaphysics of normality and controlling principles? What are we going to do about it? The question is rather, What are we doing about it?

In the article I'm reading, the sentence preceding this is, "An excerpt from the same article, where Veblen attempts to denigrate conventional economics by employing the nomenclature of botanical classification, show his style at its worst."

I think I'll include the earlier excerpt tomorrow, once this paper is done. It's highly entertaining.

PS I've decided I will name my next pet "Thorstein" and it will go by "Thor" for short.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Well it's about time

So I really shouldn't be working on this - I should be working on my Econ project that is due tomorrow (well, a draft). But instead I've decided I've put this off long enough, and I heard Carly's words, so here's the results!

The quiz was for Heroes (could you tell by all the 'hero' references?). First, a breakdown of the possible results. It should be noted that this is all season 1 stuff for those of you who watch the show (although I might be the only one).

Claire - You've always known you're different, which is probably why you spend so much time trying to act like everybody else. Bubbly, bright, and athletic, you're a searcher, someone who yearns for beauty and meaning in an often cold and callous world.

Peter - Earnest and kindhearted, you look out for the little guy first, thought it may be because you were always an underdog yourself. As someone who always thought life was about something bigger than yourself, you're both the ultimate dreamer and the ultimate idealist.

Hiro - You have something special about you that draws others to you. Part of your charm is your contagious enthusiasm, evidenced by both your intellectual curiosity and your willingness to drop everything to go on an adventure. You'll always be ahead of the curve.

Niki - Outspoke yet private, wild yet cautious, you seem to have two different sides to your personality, which often leaves you wondering what it is you really want. The one place they seem to meet is your understanding of how mind games are played, which will always be to your advantage.

Nathan - Smar, charming, traditional - by all appearances, you have it made. Behind your public image, however, lurks a much more ambivalent heart, one that yearns to break out of the normal definitions of succewss, though in most matter you allow your intellect to rule over you.

Matt - Always someone who's sensitive to the feelings of others, you don't always have an easy go of things, especially in your romantic life. One of the many great things about you, though, is your willingness to work through your problems instead of burying them.

And here's the results for everybody. Rachel and Jessica - I answered the questions for you, so if you don't like the results, answer for yourself next time! I've included most and least, just for those of you who are curious.

Robert - Hiro (4), Niki (0)
Chris - Hiro, Nathan (4), Peter, Niki (0)
Tim - Hiro (4), Niki (0)
Becca - Hiro (6), Claire, Nathan, Matt (0)
Carly - Hiro (3), Niki, Nathan (0)
Jessica - Niki (4), Peter (0)
Rachel - Claire (4), Hiro (0)

I think the questions were a bit skewed and unanswerable, but the results are still interesting to see. Hopefully I'll be putting up another one sometime soon.