Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick Update

So I'm all done. Well, not all done as in "all done," but at least all done for this year. I think I fairly kicked butt on all my finals, although I can't really tell, because I just know my final grades. So now I'm spending some quality time in Bakersfield being rented out as slave labor to my mom's friends who need help on computers, being used as slave labor in the back yard, and getting ready for Yosemite. I actually don't mind the slave labor part so much, since it gives me something to do.

I spent Memorial Day evening over at the Burzlaff's, which was a lot of fun, and there was some very good food involved. During Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the family (minus the little brother, who can't be bothered to do anything) was down in LA for my dad's graduation ceremony. I took Soren and my DS to keep me company, so it wasn't so bad, plus it was good to see the various family members who live down there.

This weekend three of us are heading up for the yearly Yosemite trip, which I've been looking forward to for months. I think my back may be in good enough shape to tackle Half Dome, which I've only been able to do once and it almost killed me. Billy and I are talking about doing it on Saturday, depending on what time we arrive on Friday (it's an all day hike and would require getting up around 6). I still don't know what I'm doing this summer, but hopefully I'll figure it out within the next week. Anybody know of any available jobs?


Rachel said...

I think you should come visit me in Serbia!

EC said...

Totally unrelated to anything you posted here. I am doing this Econ course with Robert Solow later in June. If you got the chance to ask him anything, what would u ask him?

ALso, I have been reading about famine in India ...and there is an argument that the railroad should have decreased price discrepancy in food across regions in India .. the logic being: transportation increases trade. Trade could mitigate the effects of drought. If one region gets hit by mother nature, they can import food from another. Makes sense right?

Ok, except then the Brits exported Indian grain to England to mitigate crop shortfalls in the home country. And left millions of Indians to starve to death.

Oops, I guess?

After Independence,economists have noted that the per capita food production has not increased really in India-- BUT the number of famines have ...

MERCANTALISM = DEATH. quite literally this time.

bummer, no?

EC said...

I turned this into a post: